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My WIKI experience

So, I’ve studied TEFLPedia and here is my review on it.

Teflpedia is a wiki covering everything associated with teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL).

It currently has 189 sets of conversation questions for use in your EFL classroom and 5,792 entries in its TEFL Glossary. This aims to summarise everything teachers need to know about TEFL, with a major focus on the linguistics of English and the pedagogy of foreign language teaching.

Teflpedia is generally closer to a glossary (which tends to have short articles) than an encyclopedia (which tends to have longer entries). That is, it gives definitions of TEFL-relevant terminology, with examples of that terminology. More encyclopedia-like content may be developed in the future.

Relevant fields covered include (deep breath) English linguistics, including usage, grammar and discourse, language acquisition, education theory and educational psychology including language learning and teaching pedagogy, language testing (including statistics and exams), management theory (particularly education management), pronunciation and phonetics, teacher training, continuous professional development and teaching qualifications, educational companies, charities, societies and organisations, English teaching in different countries, scientific study methods (particularly for linguistics and psychology) including statistics, academic publishing, philosophy of science, genres and genre conventions, literature studies (particularly ESL literature), writing skills, sociology of English teaching, the history of language teaching, and anything relevant that has been missed off the previous list.

There is a popular series of conversation questions. The lesson namespace includes some lesson plans, while the debate and essay namespaces are largely unused, which I find really useful.


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